Return to Index › New window Haikou Hainan AVOID IT!!!!
#1 Parent Choatle - 2007-12-23
Re: New window Haikou Hainan AVOID IT!!!!

Wow, sounds a lot like that school in Guangzhou that killed that English teacher a few years back.

This is a perfect example of the worst school out there. I do hope you got out of there quickly.

Most schools in China will rip you off if they can. I will never understand why they think that treating people badly will get them more then if they treat people well. Ends up costing them more money. I guess when you make a ton losing a little doesn't matter much though.

Bill - 2007-12-20
New window Haikou Hainan AVOID IT!!!!

Hi My name si Bill. I am a canadian with the last three years in China . Overall china is wonderful. However I would suggest to anyone looking ofr a job in Hainan to AVOID New window school in Haikou. This school likes to promise and then falls short. Never any schedule for days off. There is a lot of last minute changes , teachers are blamed for poor performance of students , poor class numbers ect. They never allow you to leave the city . You are forced to work a seven day week with low hours ,no proper documents name it every proper law in china is broken . I left for a visit to the consulate in Hong kong , they called the police on me.Again I would suggest to pass this along to anyone wishing to teach here . Good luck .

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