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mark - 2012-07-26

they brought me in when they started up. it was less money than i am used to but it was in a location that suited me better.

well. the accomodation allowance gos as far as a single room with no toilet or kitchen, so you have to rent your own place which costs more (digs into salary)

they are of zero help when going to the tax man with fapiao to claim tax's back. in fact they didnt know you could do that.

the office smells of some sort of oil which would probably blow up the building (i started spitting out all sorts of black mucus after 2 months)

they will give zero consideration to your personal (off work) time when they arrange for you to go to another school to teach a lesson, (ie you are meant to start work at 10am, but they arrange for you to be at a kindergarten which you have never heard of at 7:30am.

the head office staff are usless in regards to any problems you may have with getting paid.

no one can tell you how much your pay should be after tax, it seems they deduct however much they want to, and this changes month to month.

they will make you BUY a uniform to go to work in, if you refuse they will just deduct it out of your pay and not tell you (this was the last straw for me).

the contract gives you 3 months before it kicks in (so you can leave with no deductions) i gave my written notice in with plenty of time but still they said i would loose 1 months pay. i had to fight tooth and nail to get the pay (by lit wheeling the printer out of the office and saying they can have it when they pay me, i relented and let them wheel it back in, so i created a group on linked in and invided the boss to join it. the subject was why not to work for wizkidz or NDI (new dynamic institute) (wizkidz being a branch of the ndi company)

after this i asked if they could stamp the Safa document i gave them so i could change my visa from theirs to another school asap. (its been 3 months now and no matter how many emails or phone calls i make, nothing is done. my new school understands the problem and will write an invitation letter so i can change to a L visa then back to a Z visa then to a residency permit all in the same day.

I have posted in a couple of other places and have had 2 responces from different people asking how to leave as they are in the same situation with a different branch of wizkidz.

so for anyone who finds this, this is how you do it.

make sure you are within the contact rules.

then demand you last payment (they will try and withhold it)

write an official report as to why you are leaving, and list all the SAFEA rules they have broken (SAFEA issue their license to recruit westerners)

tell them you will send the document to your friend in Beijing who works for SAFEA (also if they are breaking any other rules, for example employing students, then tell them you will also let the PSB know they are breaking the law, this alone may not scare them as they probably have connections in the local psb, however if you say you are going to bejing to sort this out, they will probably relent).

stay safe and always research a school before signing a contract.

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Wizkidz Hankou Wuhan -- mark -- 2012-07-26
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