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Clyde - 2012-07-29

Well, while advocating not succumbing to temptation, I succumbed to reading the last batch of pro-sex-with-students dreck. Then I countered. I kind of enjoy it. It's a waste of my time, but I take some pleasure in slicing up their rhetoric and feeding it back to them. It's a waste of my time, definitely, however I think this issue is very important in the world of ESL, and teachers who sleep with students give us all a very bad, and for those of us who are mature and wise enough to not interject ourselves into students' personal lives – physically – undeserved.

Men will always be tempted to some degree by young women's bodies, but, as university teachers, we have been entrusted to not act on it. For those that do, and then boast about it, I hope they get what they deserve. Actually, I'm kind of lenient so would just hope they'd realized their mistakes, cleaned up their acts, maybe gave themselves a swift kick in the ass, and tried to be better people. However, students come first in my mind, so, I would rather see these teachers serving time in prison than mucking about with students sexually.

Ah, I remember one guy where I worked in a training school who was messing around with the girls there, who were, well, children. He went around boasting about how much action he was seeing, and somebody put together that the action in question included students. The school played down the situation as much as possible, and he merely got a slap on the wrist for having "a non-physical romantic relation with a student," when there were actually 3 and it was physical. But there was one point where he was pitted against a female teacher who was really upset that he was messing with her 15 year old student. He pleaded with her to not pursue it, scared shitless that he'd end up in a Chinese prison.

Oh well. Nuff on that.

Enjoy your cheap coffee and let the GWs here have their Starbucks (what was that cheap shot about anyway?).

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