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Karen L. - 2006-06-17

I taught in Delphi English Country in 2002 and 2003 and am still in touch with the owners. I feel like they are part of my family. That year was the best year of my life. There has been this guy posting horrible reviews about it all over the internet, and it truly saddens me. I can't say I know exactly what happened when he taught there because I was not in Korea at the time, because how he describes Max seems completely out of character. I never got paid late my entire was a total non-issue... and they were even flexible and honest with me about things that they didn't have to be. For example, the director put my cell phone in his name so I didn't have to bother with a pre-paid one. Most directors won't do that for their teachers.

I asked my former co-teacher about this guy talking smack about Delphi, and she said that they had a lot of problems with him and in the end they had to have him removed from the school by the police. I assure you I do not work for the school anymore and have no motive to lie for them. I can show anyone who wants a copy of the work visa they sponsored for me.

To provide more detail: The owners and other teachers generally let me do my own thing. I was the only foreign teacher at the school at the time and I believe it still only has one foreign teacher. They gave me a decent two bedroom apartment for myself. They were very concerned with my health and safety. I loved the job in part because I love teaching and love children. Of course there were aspects that were annoying, or that at the time I felt were silly and wrote off as "wacky korean-ness", but in hindsite I think I was sometimes too judgemental about those things. For example, I thought it was silly that I was pressured to mark all the kids as "good" or "excellent" on their report they were sucking up to parents and not really concerned about education...but now looking back at it, I realize a) they were a business competing cut-throat with other english institutes, and did have to keep the parents happy... b) these were just KIDS! little kids! learning to read english before even I did! they had enough pressure to be perfect from their families and society and regular school, and the last thing they needed was to bring home bad marks from their English hagwon.

I ended up working for a school in Seoul the next year, that paid almost a million won more a month and provided a swankier (though smaller) apartment near olympic park. I absolutely hated it and quit half way through the contract, and regretted not having re-signed with Delphi.

If you want to know anything else about this school, please email me. I can get you the email address of another guy who worked their for a year and can also vouch for the school.

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