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John - 2006-06-18

Date: 17 June 2006

For God's sake, Mr Davies! Your first posting about Ruyi School was good enough to do the job of properly complaining about it and arousing suspicions. Your second posting however is a horrendously over-long and thoroughly boring diatribe that says far more about you than it does about the school in question.

It is overburdened with your subjective opinion much of it of a personal nature - whilst the real facts of the matter are so buried under this stuff that I for one found it a wearisome task to bother to read it all.

Please state only the facts of your complaint. No-one is interested in whether the younger sister wants to go to the USA or her American boy friend chooses to buy a chicken farm or whether their daddy speaks English or scowls a lot. That and all the other subjective material in your posting is utterly irrelevant to your complaint.

Why not write a book instead?


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