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Chicken Farmer and proud of it.

There is no disgrace in being a Chicken Farmer if one chooses. After all, it is my hobby and I think we owe a lot of gratitude to farmers around the world. The man in question never backed away from the dinner table as I can recall.

As for my Davies, I hold no hostility or malice toward him. Some people are just not happy no matter where they may be. I teach my students that happiness is within ones own heart. It can not be bought or made to order at ones willing. As for the father being a bore, well he is a thinker and a get things done sort of man. I only wish more would be like him.

Yes, I agree it is a small town, but many good and honest people live here and the sky is blue and the air is clean and fresh. Also, I agree with John, the guidelines when posting a message are simple if they are read before posting.

In closing I would like to say, Next time we pull ourselves up to the dinner table, give a word of thanks to the dedicated farmers.

Happy everyday, AndyFlash

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