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Frank Two - 2006-06-23

Chicken dinner

Well it only took one paragraph to see who Frank really was. Beneath his mask of honesty, self sacrifice and humanitarian dedication I could detect a big C.D. and that isnt for music. I think when he jumped on his soap box and began patting himself on the back and thanking him self for a wonderful job he has done was what gave him away. I had to laugh, forgive me Frank, but no Pulitzer Prize for writing this time. [ ]

Yes, we all left loved ones and friends at home. Its called dedication and sacrifice of ones own self to help others, I believe. Yes, the pay is not as good or even the same, but if you come for the pay and or heroic recognition, you came for the wrong reasons.

Yes, some teachers or some of us better known as speakers of the language do a wonderful bang-up job and I am proud to see so many do so much for so little. However, on the other hand we are not curing cancer here only delivering Spoken English, something which was taught us at age two. No one is made to come here it is of their own choosing. Get real young man, English is a product and youre the carrier of sorts. No need to look for a warm heros welcome here.

If you think you need to sacrifice so much of yourself for humanities sake, perhaps you need to go home were REALLY Needed. Let me know in advance, Ill try and arrange a ticker tape parade for you.
Now, on to more important things,Ruyi English hiring for September 1st.2006

I make Chicken right, I'm Frank Two.

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