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M.J.C. - 2006-08-19

I agree with Frank. There are so many fake schools. lying schools which hide behind poorly written ads. They insult us by wishing us to drop our life and then find out later that their great coastal city is actually 5 hours away from anything resembling seawater after you arrive.

When they get you there you find the truth, but by then you get threatened with the local PSB revoking visas and you being forced out of the country. You work your 24, then fight with the non English speaking 'accountant' for your salary, while the owner sits eating bon bons or playing computer games.

Most NATIVE English teachers worth their weight in salt should be able to read through them.

Examples include when a school starts the ad by explaining how WONDERFUL the city is, and rarely spend time to explain WHY you should work 24 hours a week teaching kids for roughly 560 EU per month. They say they will offer you a stipend for apartment ( 500 usually ) but neglect to tell you that PSB authorized flats usually are in the 800-1200 range.

They mention you do not need to worry about speaking Chinese, but to kids this is a must. After they stop crying, they can usually say hello. At the least offer you a full time assistant.

And the best is the airfare. ASSUMING they do not fire you before the contract ends, ( which is usually the case when they cannot even pay their rent or utilities on their home campus ) they think 7000-8000 RMB will get you there and back. Maybe in 1979!! It cost me more than 12,000 RMB just to get to Beijing!

Check them out carefully. Do they start paying you when you leave the campus? Some schools expect you to travel for hours on end, sometimes stuck in traffic with a non English speaking driver, and then dock your pay when you are late. Make sure they do not offer you the sky, and while you are looking up, they are fleecing your pockets.

You should also beware of schools who post ads using different email addresses. That is a red flag that something is wrong, or that someone in power has changed hands. Check all previous ads and write them all to double check.

Later fans. GSTQ

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