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Doubting Thomas - 2007-05-28

I never looked for a job that was offered through a recruiter, mainly because it was one more person to go through to get the same job I could get on my own. Why should I pay somebody else to do that for me?

Yes, please be aware of most recruiters. Approach them with a large measure of caution and skepticism. They have a tendency to misrepresent the schools you may work at and jobs you may take.

And beware of future potential employers, whether they are business managers, headmasters or university deans/HR managers. They also have a tendency to misrepresent themselves.

And, as anybody can painfully see in this internet forum, beware of other teachers, past teachers, wannabe teachers, angry teachers, foolish teachers, lying teachers, drunken teachers, threatening teachers, violent teachers, mentally ill teachers and pervert teachers. They all exist, and in pretty significant numbers. Your working conditions will be influenced negatively to a far greater extent by your own workmates and fellow countrymen than by the recruiter that you will likely never meet, or by your boss which would rather just leave you alone and have nothing to do with you as long as you fulfill your end of the bargain and do your work as assigned.

But as in all parts of life, be careful of the people that scream. There has been a lot of screaming here lately, not unlike the screaming that frequently goes on in other internet forums about anything, and as any intelligent person can see, it's just been so much exercise.

In this particular forum, the name callers are accusing others of being name callers, and the others are just being antagonistic, seemingly for fun. But who is who? It's hard to tell without an event program. At first it was kind of fun just to sit back and watch the parade of fools as it went by, but now it has become so sad and tiresome to the point of being alarming. What's all the anger about anyway? You disagree with each other? So what? You've never had somebody disagree with you before? You've never met somebody with a different opinion than yours'? Okay, fine, disagree with each other. But to sit there at your keyboards and make silly accusations about each other, people that you have never met and more than likely never will, and shout censorship and stupidity at each other is just too much juvenile behavior.

To the stupid posters here: why don't you wise up and quit trying to win an argument on the internet? It won't happen, no matter what you say. You once had decent reputations, but you allowed those to be shattered just for the sake of being argumentative.

And to the people that have complained about censorship, well, just put a muzzle on it. Nobody is trying to censor you, they just don't want to listen to you scream your rants. If anybody listened to you before, they probably don't now.

And for crying out loud, can you all just grow up?

Messages In This Thread
Re: A word of caution to all readers here - ESL school review -- Doubting Thomas -- 2007-05-28
Re: A word of caution to all readers here - ESL school review -- Larrrie White -- 2007-05-29
You appear to be slightly uninformed - ESL school review -- Old and Tired -- 2007-05-29
Re: You appear to be slightly uninformed - ESL school review -- Larrrie White -- 2007-05-30
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