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Short Stories for Teachers

Why Do People Self Sabotage?
By:Paula M Williams

Whenever we are on our desired path, taking action and making steady progress, why then do we sometimes go off the rails? Why do we suddenly screw up, just as we are seeing some really positive results in our life? This is called self sabotage. Lets look at why people self sabotage. They embark on a journey towards their goal, making exceptional progress, and starting to see the results, when wham, the blockers appear, preventing them from taking any further positive actions.

This could be relating to anything, but one prime example of self sabotaging is in the quest to lose weight. Someone who wants to lose, say, twenty four pounds or more in weight will start off on their healthy eating program, taking exercise, cutting out fattening foods and will diet successfully for some time. They will start to see the fruits of their labour, in terms of weight loss and toning up. Their clothes will start to feel looser, their skin, hair and nails will be reconditioned, people compliment them on how they look. They are starting to acknowlege their weight loss and are liking their reflection in the mirror for the first time in years.

Then suddenly, they start accepting food stuffs that had previously been off limits. They skip the exercise classes and before long the weight that they had lost, quietly creeps back on again. Why do people self sabotage whenever they are close to achieving their goals? Well, there are a number of factors. The main self sabotager is our ability to realise that we can actually achieve our goals and are on the cusp of our dream.

Old limiting beliefs kick in and suddenly we believe we might fail. People are ultimately frightened of change. They are afraid that their lives will change and they may not like it. They are afraid of leaving their comfort zone and all things familiar and they are frightened of rejection and that people might now like the new look person who is emerging like a butterfly. You have got to believe that ultimately you will alway be you and that although you may change your looks and possibly your beliefs, it is still the same beautiful and unique person inside.

Don't self sabotage and ruin your chances of fulfillment and satisfaction. Continue on your path to success and you will astound yourself with your unlimited potential. Once you have conquered your fear, you will be well on your way to your ultimate success.

Hi, My name is Paula Williams and I am an Author, and a Lifestyle and Business Coach. I have just published my first book entitled "Three Steps to Ultimate Success" http://www.3-stepstosuccess.com which looks at achieving success in all areas of your life, by empowering the individual to start taking the first three steps in order to reach their goals and break through their limitations to achieve their goals and create their dream life.

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