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Things That Bored Teenagers Can Do
By:James Burgess

Things That Bored Teenagers Can Do: NO is about boundaries and identification. Exactly what problem are you attempting to address? Usually the vast majority of us need to become better focused about what we want. This applies to all things, from things that are useful to dealing with distressing emotions. The mystery is to be able to get clarity and then to find the answers to questions. The 7 Words System offers a clear-cut insightful sense of what is right that permits us to access a greatly improved sense of what precisely we are looking for. It starts with No. We need firstly to mark out precisely what we do not want what is not useful, before we can know what we do want.

Things That Bored Teenagers Can Do: HELLO is about openness and exchange. What can you learn from others? The second step links with the word Hello. We will need to open up to new possibilities if we expect to open out our possibilities of keys to the many difficulties that often arise for us. You agree? To get something fresh we will need to extend our prospect of vision and look where we have not formerly looked previously. Novel thoughts, new people, new situations and new things are clearly parts of giving consideration to something we have not previously lived through. This necessitates that we replace old for new, that we have something to offer in equitable return for what are trying to get.

Things That Bored Teenagers Can Do: THANK YOU is about appreciating and valuing. What do you most value about the offered options? Between all of our choices, some are more desirable than others and we give them a higher significance, because we appreciate them more. This is explained by the primary word Thanks. Repeatedly, we disregard the significance of what we have, then blindly move into ungratefulness and are likely to assume what should not be assumed. It's more than simply civility to show our appreciation for things we esteem; it has a major consequence in helping us to achieve our goals. Psychologically we are drawn to what we convey gratefulness for, and yet it's equally accurate to say that we will be able to magnetize them to us too. We increase pulling power when we say Thanks and therefore, whenever we do this, we readily bring things towards us.

Things That Bored Teenagers Can Do: GOODBYE is about realization, decision, completion, and moving on. Whichever way you go, from now on life has changed and will be forever different. Goodbye is the fourth of the 7 primary words and has to do with a progression that has four steps. They are: realization, decision, completion and moving on. What we are saying Goodbye to is a particular stage of development, which is to be perceived in simple terms as absolute dismissal of a viable course of action that we had been moving towards and in future will not pursue. It is a crossroad point in our selection of would-be outcomes. Goodbye is different from No because it suggests that we have had some level of connection already, which now needs to end contrasted with No's repudiation in the first place. Sincere decisions cut the past away unconditionally and that penetration establishes an open door that otherwise does not come to exist.

Things That Bored Teenagers Can Do: PLEASE is about intention and cooperation. How do you cooperate to manifest your dreams? The future develops according to the things considered normal of what has gone before unless we take control of it and shape it to our wants. This calls for to have a vision of how we want it to be; this vision has to be very clear, exact and optimistic—and converted into intention. They differ don't they - vision and intention? The first is fairly dreamlike and the second is much more motivated and deliberate. For a vision to become real there must be support. . Nothing can be achieved without securing the support of other people - this takes expertise, in all probability influence, , even encouragement. It is not always vital to proffer something such as money or money's worth.

Things That Bored Teenagers Can Do: SORRY is about responsibility, remorse, repair and release. Do you need to take responsibility and feel genuine remorse for your part in any conflicts and tensions that exist, which underlie the issue? Sorry, the sixth word is best seen as repairing damage done if we've been uncaring or unmindful to the circumstances of another. The best plan is to make sure we prevent the need to say it by being considerate in advance. Why on earth should we? Well it's because anyone we upset could easily be inclined to act against us and diminish our probability of accomplishing what we intend, so it is obviously more reasonable to take into account others as well as ourselves. This question is all to do with being responsible, having a degree of feelings towards anyone we've upset and making atonement when we've slipped up. Then and only then is it feasible to forestall or heal offense and release the unending nastiness that otherwise would intensify and worsen.

Things That Bored Teenagers Can Do: YES is about accepting and surrender. Not every path is workable, that's the whole point of being creative...find a way that works for all concerned. The concluding phase of our 7 Words structure is to do with acceptance;. there are circumstances when we simply have to bow to what we cannot change. The word is Yes. It would be delightful wouldn't it if we were able to make the world exactly the way we envision it - but in actual fact we can't. We always need to tolerate what comes, and to take what is not exactly what we asked for. The best thing is to have an expectation that everything sooner or later turns around to our advantage, that the modifications to our plans are all improvements when perceived in the perspective of the longer term. Without doubt it's not easy to see it when we are still close and attached to our desires of course not! However pause a while and you'll see that the unanticipated happenings, the surprises and defeats are actually the best bits disguised as misfortune.

James Burgess

Free Questionnaires & Mini Courses are available on the 7 Words website ( www.7words.co.uk/life-management/things_that_bored_teenagers_can_do ), interactive fun with the “satisfaction index calculator” at www.7wordsassociates.org and free seminars are offered for participants of Unicorn Camps ( www.unicorncamps.com/pta_camp.php )

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