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Texas ISD School Guide

Short Stories for Teachers

Was Galileo the first person to use a telescope
By:Anne Noonan

Many historians explain that Galileo was the first person to use a telescope. In 1610 Galileo discovered Saturn's rings. He also observed Jupiter's four moons and viewed the different phases of Venus. This lead to the study of sunspots and various celestial activities.

Even though Galileo is credited with being the first to make practical improvements and enhancements to the use of the telescope, he was not the inventor, and therefore not the first person to use a telescope. That person would be Hans Lippershey.

Hans Lippershey was born 1570 in Germany, but was raised in Holland. He invented the first refracting telescope in 1608. A lens maker, he designed this telescope from two lenses and applied for a patent, intending that it would be important for the military. He successfully demonstrated the usefulness of his refracting telescope to the military.


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