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Videos: Learn English with Grandma -- Shirley Whitney -- 2018-03-29
For only $1/month you can use all of mygrandmatime’s reading and art products. Use them to learn English, learn how to teach English, or as a supplement to the materials that you already use...
Others: Weekly videos - Learn advanced English with Dr Norman on YouTube! -- Dr Norman -- 2017-04-28
Improve your grammar, vocabulary, listening and understanding with me by taking my YouTube Advanced English Course. .. Are you ready? Set aside a regular time to study. Find a quiet place where you..
English Tutor: SKYPE(화상) ENGLISH/Experienced Young Female Filipino Teacher/Good Pronunciation(See Videos Included)//Every Place -- vivacom -- 2015-11-26
>Are you still studying English with an off-line teacher? That is just impractical in various ways. Please start studying English with me on skype right now, and you will be able to find how..
English Tutor: ^^1:1 PROFESSIONAL SKYPE(화상) ENGLISH//Experienced Female Teacher...Videos/Picture included -- vivacom -- 2015-09-28
=MY PROFILE= *Self-introduction Youtube Video : *Class Video Clip: *My picture below shows that I am teaching English on skype by using..
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