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ESL Jobs in China

Verified School Email -- Beijing
By:Aceleader English <james@aceleader.com.cn>
Date: 4 June 2018

Aceleader English has been revolutionizing conversational english classes in Beijing since 1999. Using our bespoke curricula, we have helped tens of thousands of adult students attain their desired english level, and move on to jobs in foreign owned enterprises based in beijing, emigrate abroad, or study in some of the top universities in the world. Our curricula is made up of two key elements; a book co-authored with the national geographic channel, and a bespoke in-house communication curriculum focusing on engagement, interaction and multi-faceted learning.

Full time teachers will have to sacrifice their weekends, but can take two connected days off during the week.

Fully legal working visa provided, and so long as a candidate meets requirements, is processed in-house, free of charge.

Induction period salary: 12500-14000 p/m (net)

Post-induction salary: 16000-19000 p/m (net)

Instead of splitting salary into class fees, accomadation allowances and base salary, we lump everything into one large 'salary' payment to ensure our payment processes are transparent and easy to follow. Paid overtime is automatically calculated should teachers exceed an average of 25 hours of class a week during their normal working schedule. Optional extra classes are available and also treated as paid overtime.

With three centers currently looking for teachers, we can offer an attractive career in the teaching industry. Our department is run by a foreigner who started with the company as a part time teacher and slowly progressed through full time to supervisor to department director; our company rewards dilligence and is always looking for teachers who are ready to take the next step on the career ladder.

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