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Texas ISD School Guide

ESL Jobs in China

School -- Jiangsu
By:Public College <yuanfen88@zoho.com>
Date: 4 June 2018

Great job in a beautiful city near the sea and mountains

I am helping my FAO find my replacement, I hope to find someone asap or for next semester at the latest. This is a public college so you have a lot of free time,[ only 12-14 teaching hours ] this summer I had a 3 month holiday plus all the other holidays. There are many perks and my boss is a wonderful, kind woman. The salary is above average for public uni's and if you add up total hours, benefits, you are way ahead in terms of pay than the private school with 40 hrs/wk

You should have at least 3 years teaching experience, be mature, responsible, reliable, and she would prefer if you are from Australia, England, Canada or U.S.A

Please have all the necessary documents, University degree, TEFL/TESOL, criminal background check, photo, etc..
also state your age and if you have a current LEGAL Z visa


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