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ESL Jobs in China

By:TEACH IN XINHUA UNIVERSITY <236887552@qq.com>
Date: 4 June 2018

Foreign Teachers Recruitment for Anhui Xinhua University in the Spring Season, 2018
School introduction: Anhui Xinhua University is located in the capital city of Anhui province, Hefei, Our school is lain in the National High-tech Industry Development Zone and the south foot of Dashu Mountain Forest Park. This is a provincial-level college with the right to confer bachelor degree which is approved by the Ministry of Education. Now, because of the development of the scale of the the school, we need to recruit three full-time foreign teachers. And the recruitment information is the following:

Recruitment tittle: Full-time foreign teacher for one year or four or six months

Recruitment number: 3

Teaching curriculum: Business English, Software Engineering (We will offer the text book)

Teaching form: According to the university schedule or intensive class for three or four months

Recruitment qualification: College lecturer and above with the relevant education background&
the certificates for teaching English as the second language, eg TESOL/TEFL

Teaching obligations:
Business English includes courses: Principles of Business, Business Ethics, International & multinational Management, Business Communication, Academic Writing, Comparative Economic System
Software Engineering includes courses: Introduction to Programming in C and UNIX + laboratory, Introduction to Computer Programming/JAVA, Programming C ++, Date Structures and Algorithms, Computer Architecture, Foundation of Operating Systems, Computer Networks and Communications

Working within two months, we will offer RMB 8000-12000 per month and free accommodation;
Working within six months, we will offer RMB 8000-12000 per month and free accommodation and one-way ticket;
Working for one year, we will offer RMB 8000-12000 per month and free accommodation and round-trip ticket.
The specific salary can be discussed according to the teacher’s qualification and work experience.

E-mail: 236887552@QQ.COM
Contact: WECHAT(MOBIL) 13965087627 OFFICE: 86-551-65318319 SALLY WAN
Website: http://www.axhu.cn/

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