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ESL Jobs in China

Agency -- Beijing Tongzhou district and Changping district
By:Occidental Link <susanwang@occidentallink.com>
Date: 12 July 2016

There has school at Beijing Tongzhou district and Changping district

The details as follows

Location: Beijing Tongzhou district and Changping district

Timetable: 8:00am to 5:00pm from Monday to Friday and two days off on weekends.

Age group:3-6years old

Salary: We can offer native speaker 13k-14k(affter tax)per month and non-native speaker 10k-12k(affter tax)per month.


1.White male or female

2.ESL English speaker with kids teaching experience

3.Can start the work at the early of Augeust

If you are interested in this position,please send your resume、photos to the mailbox
Contact e-mail : susanwang@occidentallink.com(Skype ID)
Contact Wechat ID: 13070105972(Telephone Number)

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