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Articles for Teachers

Children Bullies Have Sad Stories to Tell
By:Larry Icabandi Nabiong

Sans the power to fight back at bullies, some small children are the easy targets. Especially when one is new or transferee, chances are, old students will bully him/her.

Teachers, parents and other students can help the school in proactive manner alleviating the problem among children. With a sane program discouraging bullies, and instead, making them act or behave accordingly would help tremendously curbing out bullying in school.

During PTA meeting, teachers conference or what, topics addressing bullying in school must be tackled, thus, giving all students a chance to grow without emotional, psychological or physical scars of any kind.

However, as much attention as their victims be given, the more the bullies should get a load of help.

Yes, bullies are the first victims. Living in chaotic home environment is the source of developing anti-social behaviors, and bullying is one. Sort of projecting their own insecurities, angst and the like to other kids. Causes of their behaviors are worth looking into than merely labeling them as such. Bullying is also a cry for help. There is something wrong with bullies and should be addressed asap before they could evolve into more dangerous behaviors in adulthood.

This made me think, how my co-worker bullies had not had grown-- free of bullying!

Ooops! Do I need to digress here? Nope. I just want to give you an idea on how a child bully emerged as a workplace bully. ( You may read my other articles on this; to get a complete idea on "Bullying in the Workplace" and other articles on bullying, simply click on my name above and presto you will read them) Now I do sympathize with their plight.

Bully-proof the school environment where learning is fun, fun, fun.

The author is writing a book entitled:" Bullying in School: Common Types of Bullies, Victims Traits, and Proactive Strategies Curbing Out Bullying." Responses or reactions you may have, kindly send at nabionglarry(AT)yahoo.com

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