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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide

Articles for Teachers

Motivation Ideas for Teachers
By:Corina Fiore

As a teacher you will face more than one reluctant learner or a student with low self esteem. Teachers must find creative ways of motivating these students so that each child reaches his or her full potential.

Reasons for Lack of Motivation
Students lack motivation for various reasons. Some are not able to keep up with the pace of the class and so they shut down. Others may have things that are troubling them, such as problems at home. If you are able to analyze why a particular student is reluctant, you will be able to address it more effectively in the classroom.

The Hook
One of the best ways of motivating a learner is to engage them in the classroom. When students enter the room, make sure that you are getting them involved immediately. Provide a "hook" that is brief and leads into the lesson seamlessly. Make sure that you provide an activity that is within the ability of your reluctant learners and that you regularly call on them for answers.

Goal Setting and Incentives
Meet with your reluctant learners individually and together create a learning contract and a list of attainable goals. Provide an incentive for the student to reach those goals. Offer social praise to a student when he or she reaches or is avidly working toward a goal. Remember that you want to see improvement. For some learners, a grade of "C" should be celebrated and acknowledged.

Cartoons, Puzzles, and Games
Whenever possible, liven up learning with games and cartoons. Place a relevant cartoon on the top of a worksheet. Review content by playing the game Jeopardy. Engage and praise the students who require extra attention.

Allow Students to Choose
There are many ways of evaluating success. Provide students with a list of activities or projects to do in order to evaluate their progress. The list can include a diorama, writing a story or skit, creating an invention, or designing a puzzle. By allowing the students to pick an activity, you allow them to pick something enjoyable and at which they can excel, thereby increasing motivation.

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