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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide

Articles for Teachers

Classroom Organization, Motivation, Discipline & Teaching Styles
By:Marysia Walcerz

Motivation, organization, discipline and an effective teaching style are all essential elements of a successfully functioning classroom that acts as a positive learning environment for students. When considering your approach to these four elements, you should take into account the age and developmental level of your students, your resources as a teacher, and the goals you have for the year. When all four of these factors are working in tandem, the result is an effective learning space.

The organization of a classroom can affect how your students learn and your own ability as a teacher to reach everyone successfully. Consider the set up of the students' desks- are some students more difficult to see than others? Can students communication effectively in the space? With the rest of the classroom space, think about visually stimulating students with bright, colorful posters and graphics that relate to the topics they will be learning about. Think about setting up separate areas for different subjects so as to keep students focused on that subject when working in that space.

Motivation in the classroom is an important aspect of successful learning. Their desire to progress in class should motivate students, and keeping them focused on their own learning goals is part of your job as a teacher. Motivators such as positive feedback and regular encouragement can help keep students enthusiastic about learning and motivated to work during class. You can also rely on more tangible motivators, such as stickers and stars on papers, a point system or rewards such as getting extra free time.

Discipline is another element essential for a well functioning classroom. Establish classroom rules in the very beginning of the year and familiarize students with your system for disciplining those who break the rules. Make sure students understand the way rules and rule-breaking works in your classroom, and stick to the system when it does come time to discipline a student. Many teachers use a three-strikes approach to discipline, and have ultimatums such as removal of recess time, extra work and parent conferences.

Teaching Styles
Although organization, motivation and discipline are all part of your teaching style, elements such as how you convey information, give tests and manage the daily lessons constitute teaching style. Ideally, your teaching style should focus on reaching the students as effectively as possible and creating a classroom that is a positive learning environment for everyone. Teaching styles can be flexible, firm, open or strict, but the overall goal to keep in mind is having students learn.

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