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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide

Articles for Teachers

How to Help a Student Who Lacks Motivation
By:Alicia Prince

In almost every educational environment, there are some students who require an extra level of motivation. Regardless of the cause of the student's lack of motivation, an educator can choose to approach the situation with a proactive approach and creative solutions. Educators with such an approach can be inspiring and stimulating and add to the overall environment in a classroom.

Implement a reward system to encourage students to perform at higher levels. Small candies, gum or even stickers can be an external means to providing students with internal motivation.

Listen to and care about your students -- especially with students who lack motivation. Teachers who show an interest in how the student is doing can help to encourage dedication in his academics.

Explain why the topic of study is valuable to the student. Many students may not understand why a subject or assignment will benefit them, and subsequently lose interest. Inform students of the various ways a subject will impact their lives in the near future.

Show enthusiasm for the topic at hand. If the educator does not show excitement for a topic or assignment, the students will likely follow suit.

Teach in an inductive way. Show students the problem and let them work through it to the answer rather than showing the solution and then the problem. This can aid students' motivation and interest in a subject or problem. It can also help in encouraging student participation or teamwork.

Compliment the student on improvements, however small. This can help to positively reinforce the student's self-worth and efforts.

Experiment with different teaching methods, such as including lesson plans with visual or audio instructions or using more group activities to foster teamwork.

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