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Articles for Teachers

Why Is It Necessary for a Teacher to Write a Lesson Plan?
By:Naheed Haq

A good teacher doesn't get success overnight. She has to go a long way to gain her victory on the road to success. This can be achieved through continuous efforts and commitment that requires an elevated degree of dedication and devotion considered essential for touching the horizons of success.

A good teacher always devises ways and means that benefit her students. She prefers to organize all those aspects perfectly into one string of beads that improve her teaching skills on one side and contribute to the improvement of her students' learning skills on the other. One such technique is writing the lesson plan. Lesson plan is a mode of communication between the teachers and the students. Effective communication is the core of good teaching so if this basic mode is weak then how quality education can be provided to students. It is therefore significant for a teacher to write a proper lesson plan that caters for the needs of the students.

Planning is required in every walk of life. Even a small event needs to be planned properly. Teaching is a very serious profession and it is essential for a good teacher to prepare her lessons thoroughly before entering the class. She must plan all the activities and methods to make her lesson more effective. An effective lesson plan comprises the learning objectives, instructional procedures, required material and some written description of how the students will be assessed or evaluated.

A clear structure of the lesson with more precise directions ensures a higher rate of achievement. Lesson plans are written to implement and determine the curriculum. Curriculum is a course of studies that determines the contents to be taught to the students in a particular grade. A lesson plan first sets the objectives to be followed for achieving the target set in the curriculum. It includes what you expect your students to learn at the end of a specific lesson. These objectives need to be "SMART", that means they can be easily achieved in a specific time available. These objectives must meet the students' needs. A good teacher always devises smart and clear objectives that are attainable in the allotted period of time. She makes sure that these objectives determine the new skills students will learn, what they will be able to learn; like concepts, skills, attitude, etc. she links these objectives to her teaching methodology and types of assessment.

A good lesson plan includes a topic, recourse material, objectives, methodology and home work. Writing a planner makes a teacher utilize her teaching skills in a systematic manner. It further elaborates and enhances her skills. The quality of her teaching improves as she learns the effectiveness of planning things accurately.

Classroom management is the essence of ideal teaching and an effective teacher makes it a reality by writing her planner aptly. She makes her lesson organized, and regular. It saves time also because when you manage your tasks and activities in class, they go systematically and things are done appropriately. Thus a teacher should plan her lesson carefully to ensure effective learning. A good lesson plan contributes to appropriate learning.

This is another article on teaching from me, N Haq. It can prove beneficial for teachers, who wish to improve their teaching skills.

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