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Articles for Teachers

Inspirational Teachers - Learn How to Stay Connected to Your Passion
By:Dot Struthers

People probably choose to teach because they are passionate about learning and have a burning desire to help children and young people achieve their potential.

So how do teachers hold onto this passion and use it as motivation on a day to day basis?

The problem with motivation is that it can be here one moment and gone the next if we don't stay connected to it. And we know when our motivation goes because our feelings change and our energy levels drop.

So whether you trying to inspire yourself or help others get motivated you might want to think about these four things:-

1. Create a sense of purpose
We all need to know where we are going and why? It needs to be exciting, inspiring and challenging. And deep down it needs to be something you truly believe in.

2. Manage your confidence
Treat it like a garden and seed, feed and weed it. Look for and nurture new ideas. Surround yourself with positive people or things which inspire you. And remove or avoid the negative influences which sap your energy.

3. Maintain momentum
Keep moving forward by taking small steps. Stretching yourself and taking action will give you a sense of progress and achievement. And find ways of rewarding yourself when you have conquered a fear and stepped up to a challenge.

4. Practice self care
Take care of yourself by investing in enough sleep, good food and regular exercise. Try not to take criticism to heart, instead see it as an opportunity to tweak what you are doing. Find a way of seeing the positive in every situation.

As a teacher your energy and attitude says lots about you to others. Whether you like it or not, its part of the job to be a role model for others, so let your passion shine through and stay connected with that part of you that you feel truly passionate about.

Dot Struthers works with school leaders wanting to develop their leadership and management skills. including personal coaching, HR consultancy and management skills training. For more information go to http://www.merechats.co.uk

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