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Articles for Teachers

The Use of Aromatherapy Oils in the TEFL Classroom
By:Phyllis Vannuffel

Many of those reading this article would have had first hand experience of the benefits of aromatherapy perhaps by way of a visit to a professional aromatherapist or more likely by experimenting with some of the better known essential oils purchased at a local body health care shop. The purpose may have been to effect a cure for a minor or not so minor ailment or just enjoy the pleasure of a massage or relaxing/refreshing soak in the bath tub.

In this short article I am not concerned with the general uses of essential oils, but rather how they can be specifically used in the ELT classroom as mood enhancers, stress relievers and confidence builders by offering a number of my own recipes that fellow teachers might like to try out and experiment with.

Over a number of years research has been able to demonstrate that essential oils can have a profound effect, not only on the physiology but also on the emotional and spiritual plane. To give a few examples - orange is useful for those who have tired of meeting obstacles and have become frustrated and perhaps lazy. Bergamot is appropriate for someone who sets high standards, is over-determined and perhaps cross and critical of others, Myrrh can be used for someone who has for the moment lost confidence in their abilities to succeed, or lemongrass may help the person who finds it difficult to assert themselves or express their wishes and purposes. Juniper would be suitable for anyone suffering from stress or of a nervous disposition.

So how can we start using essential oils in the English classroom?

Let's start with some methods of application.

1. A bowl of water can be placed near a radiator to which the oils can be added.

2. A small towel can be saturated in water. This is then wrung out and the drops of oil shaken onto the towel. The towel is then draped over the radiator which will release the scent into the room.

3. A plant spray can be filled with water oils and the mixture liberally sprayed around the room.

4. Various vaporisers and burners can be bought from Boots or similar for around £15-£20. Many of them use electric power and so will not contravene fire regulations. My own favourite is the Tisser and Vapour Stream which uses a small fan to provide a constant flow of scented air via a cartridge and retails at £25.

Before using oils always check for contra-indications as a small number of oils should not be used in cases of pregnancy, high blood pressure, etc.

Here are some of my own recipes you might like to try out in various situations.

1. To ward off germs and colds so easily passed around the classroom especially in winter.

3 drops of Lavender
2 drops of Eucapyptus
2 drops of Pine

2. For exam classes beginning to feel the stressed and strains of the course

3 drops of Bergamot
3 drops of Geranium
3 drops of Jasmine

3. For exam classes the day or so before taking the exam when nerves are clearly showing

2 drops of Clary-Sage
3 drops of Lavender
2 drops of Rose

4. For holiday courses where the students tend to be over excited. To calm them down

3 drops of Camomile
2 drops of Sandalwood
2 drops of Rose

5. For classes where students seem apathetic and unwilling to participate freely

2 drops of Grapefruit
2 drops of Rosemary
2 drops of ginger

6. For classes that find it hard to concentrate

3 drops of Cedarwood
2 drops of Frankincense
2 drops of Ylang Ylang

7. For classes that don't seem to bond together

2 drops of Cinnamon
2 drops of Nutmeg
2 drops of Sandalwood

8. Just to provide a pleasant classroom fragrance

3 drops of Lemon
2 drops of Bergamot
2 drops of Lavender

Once you have used essential oils to provide fragrance and atmosphere in your classroom you will probably want to develop your own recipes and begin to get a feeling for which oils blend well together, the properties they possess and those that work best with your own particular class.

Enjoy the experience and have fun!

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