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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide

Articles for Teachers

How to Compose a Welcome Letter to Prospective Students & Parents
By:J.C. Sprenger

Many questions come to the mind of a first year teacher when trying to compose a letter to students and parents. Sometimes the fear of acceptance comes into play, as well as a host of other apprehensions about entering the profession with very little experience.

Everyone has to start somewhere, so the best way to begin composing your introduction letter is to make note of your attributes as a person, your education and achievements, your mission as a teacher, and your classroom goals and expectations.

Keep in mind that parents like to know that their child is entering a structured setting in the classroom with a person who is competent in their field of expertise and capable of nurturing their child's success.

Set a Friendly Tone to Your Letter

A person's perception of another can easily be detected through words. Begin your introduction in a friendly tone that makes the parent and student feel welcome and reflects their well being as your first priority. Refrain from talking about yourself until after you have communicated your concerns for the parent and student. This will convey the message that their well being comes before you.

Convey Your Achievements with Confidence

As a first year teacher, you may think that your resume seems like an empty page that needs to be filled. Perhaps you will feel that your achievements are minute when compared to other teachers.

If you really take a look at your achievements up until the point of your first teaching position, you will be surprised to find a number that will add credibility to your introduction letter. These could be achievements like awards you have received, previous community involvements, academic recognitions, and special achievements during your student teaching experience.

Convey your educational background and achievements with confidence without exemplifying arrogance. This will send a message that although this is your first teaching position, you are confident with who you are, your abilities, and what you have achieved. Additionally, it will help to relieve any doubts or fears in the minds of the students and parents that they are about to face instability in the classroom due to your lack of experience.

Add a personal touch to your achievements by mentioning some of your hobbies and interests. This will also break the ice when you meet your students and their parents for the first time.

Discuss Your Classroom Goals and Mission

Briefly discuss what you plan to achieve in the classroom during the coming year and the learning environment you plan to provide in your classroom. This also tells students and parents what to expect and helps to relieve any apprehension associated with the first week of school. Your students will also feel as though they already know something about you when they enter your room and will feel more comfortable about their first day of school.

Also include a list of items your students will need to have in hand when they arrive in your classroom. This will also convey the message that you have a goal and a purpose in mind when it comes to learning.

Close the letter with a statement of your mission as a teacher and what you plan to offer the students and community during your first year of teaching.

J.C. Sprenger has been teaching at a local high school for 6 years as a special education (inclusion) teacher. Before that, he was a university professor in Mexico (10 years) teaching English to Mexican students. He has a B.A. in psychology and a Master's in Education. Born in Geneva, Switzerland, he now makes his home in Brownsville, Texas. He has been a freelance writer for 15 years in newspapers and recently on the Internet. For more information on alternative teacher certification and teaching jobs, check out www.acthouston.com

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