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Ultimate Exam Study Guide - How to Excel in Written Examinations in 3 Steps
By:Enzer Wong

If you had been dying to excel your Written Examinations, do not die now because you have finally come to the right place at the right time!

Whether it is from content heavy Geography to logical Mathematics, here are 3 TIME PROVEN strategies to adequately prepare you for the upcoming exams. No matter what grades you stand, these powerful techniques will empower you to better grades when put into motion.

Firstly, plan a study schedule according to the subjects tested.

Subjects tested at the later date should be scheduled earlier while the subjects tested first should be place last. This ensures that the information studied for the first exam coming up will be freshly craved into the head. On the other hand, exams scheduled at later dates can be easily revised at ease during the day before the exams as you had already studied it before hand. Time allocated for each subjects should go according to the importance of the paper and the confidence you have for the topic. The less confident you are, the more time you will need! The first step is always the most important step and the most essential to every study routine.

Next step ahead will be to follow your study schedule, no point planning and not doing anything right?

Build up motivation by first revising through your notes, textbooks, tutorials and assignments. This ensures that you have sufficient knowledge on the particular topic before attempting on practice papers. Make use of study techniques to facilitate your study process for greater efficiency. After revision, you can start by redoing tutorials and assignments chapters by chapters again, followed by topical practices from assessment books and finally attempt a full mock paper on the subject. Rinse and wash the procedure when you face problems on particular topics and attempt a wide variety of questions to strengthen your confidence and perception for the topic.

The last step will be to consolidate what you have studied for the entire subject.

It is essential that you round up what you learn by making a summarized notes of each topic of the particular subject. Make cue cards, Mind Maps, picture cards or whatever that will summarize the topics for easy revision later whether when you are idling or the day before the paper. Do not forget to make a question bank for subjects such as Mathematics in order to keep in check that you are able to answer each type proficiently. By consolidating what you have studied, you place yourself at a higher ground compared to students who blindly study.

To summarize the essentials that I mentioned, here are the steps to follow.

1. Plan your study schedule

2. Revise and Practice

3. Overall consolidation of topics studied

Rinse and wash the above three steps for subjects ahead and you are definitely on your way to excel in your written examinations!

Enzer Wong is self-confessed slacker who whiz through his school days by simple planning and studying smart. His stunning results in contrast to his nonchalant attitude had made many asked "how did you do it?". Well, with Ultimate Study Tips of course! To find out more on how to acquire power study techniques and secret tips, visit: http://ultimatestudytips.blogspot.com/

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