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Articles for Teachers

Teacher Pay - How to Create Educational Materials to Make Money Online
By:Tania Mesar

Looking to increase your teacher pay? Chew on this. Every year schools budget to spend thousands of dollars on textbooks for students. In addition teachers in each department go to various workshops, often times paid for with board funding, where they spend money on classroom materials, ideas for lesson plans, various media and visuals so they can better appeal to different learners in the classroom.

If you've ever done some searching on the Internet for educational materials, you'll notice that you'll find lots of stuff out there. Some of these materials are good and some are bad. Some are free, some you need a subscription for and some are a one time purchase. Have you ever thought that these people are teachers just like you and I. The only difference is they are capitalizing on their skills to increase their teacher pay. Think about it...university professors do it all the time.

I'm sure that you've had a time in your teaching career when you've thought that you could do a better job of presenting ideas than the textbook laid out, or that you could create better exercises and activities. Or have you already created activities for your students that worked great in the classroom. I bet when you used them, you didn't your teacher pay. Have you ever asked yourself why you did not make money on the top of your regular teacher pay for these additional efforts, or have you ever wanted to make money on the side of your teacher pay by creating educational materials. Educational materials are a huge money maker online. There is so much demand for educational products on just about every topic under the sun.

Perhaps you have a particular approach to classroom management, or you would like to create a book of activities, or you would like to share information about how to do something else that you have a good grasp on like : How to build birdhouses. You can make money on the side of your teacher pay by simply sharing your knowledge. Isn't this what we do as teachers everyday already?

There are a couple of things that you want to check out if you want to go down this path. I have briefly laid them out; however just a heads up, an in-depth educational material could be created for each step:

1) Get advice from someone who has created educational materials before you. Whether you subscribe to a list, or a newsletter, read a report, or call them up.

2) Pick a topic that you can offer value

3) Start writing a report, a newsletter, or an e-book

4) Design or have someone design a cover for you

5) Decide how you are going to market this book

The marketing of your educational product Is the most important part! The great thing about using the Internet as a marketing tool is that there are so many people to market to. However, you need to really sharpen up your skills or you could have a great product and make squat from your efforts. When you learn from those who already know how to market online, and you will be able to make money on the side of your teacher pay.

Do not forget to check out the link in the resource box below. I've got a great free report that details my experiences with using the Internet to leverage my teaching skills so you can learn from them.

Tania is a High-School Teacher who Helps Other Teachers Make what they're Worth so they Can Teach because they Love it and Not because they Have to. "Want to Learn How You Can Leverage your Teaching Skills with the Power of the Internet to Meet and Exceed Your Teaching Income?" Free Report Explains All: http://www.OnlineMLMTeacher.com/report.html

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