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Articles for Teachers

Teacher's Salary - 7 Mistakes We All Make
By:Tania Mesar

As a teacher, we have it pretty much made. If our classes are good, it's pretty smooth sailing. Your job is relatively secure, you get paid every two weeks and during the summer holidays, and you do not have to work any ridiculous hours. The problem is that this leads us to fall into the comfort zone. This zone is ok if we never want to make more than our current teacher salary. If we are looking for more we have to make sure we do not make these 7 mistakes.

# 1. Employee Mindset - We should never just hang in there, and accept our teacher salary alone until retirement instead of being in control of our financial future.

#2. Lounging in the Comfort Zone - We should never settle for what we make, it is so important for us to seek out other ways we can grow financially.

#3. Not Leveraging the Skills you Already Have - Why not leverage the skills your already have to make money outside of a classroom setting.

#4. Dishing out Half Your Pay cheque to Taxes - You need to use your leveraged skills to make money from a business so that you can begin to write down your taxable income.

#5. Not Capitalizing on Trends - In any venture you do, make sure that you are in alignment with the current trends. This will ensure that your service or information is in demand and that you make money.

#6. Never Ignore the Power of Technology as Leverage - When you decide on a business project to work on, make sure you use the Internet as leverage. There are so many more people to market to online, than there are with traditional marketing methods. Not only that, it's much cheaper and effective to market online.

#7. Become a Student Again - Make sure you are always learning about new ideas, acquiring new skills and applying your new knowledge. This will ensure that you step away from the comfort of your current teacher salary, and build a second stream of income for yourself.

The most important factor in getting past your teacher salary is changing your mindset. Once you do that, then you will be open to learning new skills and with some constant focus and determination, you will be able to apply these skills to achieve amazing results. If you want to learn more details so you can overcome these mistakes, check out the link to my report in the resource box below.

Tania is a High-School Teacher who Helps Other Teachers Make what they're Worth so they Can Teach because they Love it and Not because they Have to. "Want to Learn the 7 fatal mistakes I made as a teacher on a budget, So You Know What to Avoid?" Free Report explains all. Go here to check it out: http://www.OnlineMLMTeacher.com/report.html

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