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Articles for Teachers

Teaching Assistant Role
By:Cindy Chung

How to make the most of teaching assistants role

I have a TA who seems to get in the way instead of helping - yet everyone else says she's great!

A teaching assistant (TA) should be an invaluable aide, not a hindrance. They deserve to be kept informed about what you are teaching, why you are teaching it and how together you might best help pupils benefit from this. It's up to you to talk with the teaching assistant.

Teaching assistants want to help, but few want to take over. That's the job of the teacher. An assistant should not be left in charge of a whole class and the ultimate responsibility for all the pupils is yours. Discussing beforehand how you might help each other is very important and either ignoring or rushing this helps no one.

Compare timetables and book a suitable slot for talking about your plans for the class. Find out how you intend to work together, mutual strengths and weaknesses, issues with individual pupils or small groups.

Prepare your lessons at least as well or better than you would on your own so you can build in plans for both of you.

Take the opportunity of organizing group work or withdrawing individuals for short periods of special attention.

Ask if there are specialized resources you may not know about.

Talk to each other beforehand and afterwards. Preparation and evaluation are both important.

Value and respect your teaching assistant and show that publicly in front of your pupils.

Emphasize that the pupils must respect the teaching assistant as much as you and expect no lower standard of behavior.

When you are teaching without a teaching assistant reflect on how you might have deployed him/her and how some in the class would have benefited.

Last minute time-filling activities for your teaching assistant.

Loading too much responsibility on your teaching assistant.

Treating the withdrawal of a small group with your teaching assistant as an embarrassment or a punishment.

For more information about Teaching Assistant Role , you can check out our blog: http://teacher-methods.blogspot.com/

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