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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide

Articles for Teachers

Effective Teaching and Learning Strategies
By:D Meetoo

Here are some of the teaching strategies a teacher should use in his class

· Cooperative learning or group work
· Discovery or guided discovery learning/ Active learning
· Expository learning
· Brainstorming
· Demonstration method
· Mind mapping
· Role play
· Differentiation
· Cooperative learning or Group work

The group method or cooperative learning is thought of as one teacher engaging a small group of students in discussion. Students work together and interact in a task -related way with each other. One or some of the students help those who need or ask for help. Tasks and duties are also shared in the group.

Cooperative learning refers to a set of instructional methods in which students work in small, mixed ability learning group. The group has usually has four to six members, with high flyer, average achievers and achievers. The students in each group are responsible not only for learning material being taught in class, but also for helping their group mates learn.

Pupils learn by discovering things by themselves. It is an example of active learning in its "pure form". Jerome Bruner believes that pupils must identify key principles by themselves rather than simply accepting teacher's explanations.

In Discovery learning, the teacher presents examples and the students work with the examples until they discover the interrelationships. Guided discovery is the use of a structural framework in which learning can occur. The student is given the problem and directed towards the solution as in the case of work cards, project work, etc.

It is the method facts, concepts, principles, relationships and generalization are described by the teacher or printed in the textbook with a view to pupils understanding and assimilating them. It consists of lectures, presentation, narrative and textbook method.


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