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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide

Articles for Teachers

My Dream School

We live in a very complex fast paced challenging society. Attitudes fostered and encouraged are aggressiveness and “It is me and all about me.” Be first and win at any cost seems to be the norm. Possession of wealth and material goods are emphasized in many households. The end result is a generation of individuals that are frustrated angry and unhappy. Can this picture be changed? Can we help our children, the future society's leaders?

I believe we most certainly can! I placed my daughter in Kindergarten and I have many fond memories of loving and caring children. New students were accepted and embraced into the class. The teacher in kindergarten was elderly but the children loved her as a grandmother. She taught them kindness, love and respect. That is the type of environment that I would like to see in every school. The school's staff and faculty should instruct by example displaying respect and kindness towards each other. This will create an environment of trust, respect, and Christian principles that will set the example to the students on how to conduct themselves in society and with other human beings.

The ability to learn is a gift that should be experienced by all children in a safe, creative environment. My dream school would foster such environment and in addition make learning fun! Students should build character and integrity and therefore become excellent leaders in the community. Of course, this requires a lot of work, dedication, and loving discipline. Also, cooperation from the parents should always be encouraged, for it is essential that the children go home into caring environments.

I think if we all work together for the sake of the children this type of “Dream School,” can be accomplished.

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