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Articles for Teachers

By:Harekrushna Behera - Teacher in Social Science

A teacher uses his mind very gently to speak some creative words to the children so that the children not only understand the topic very easily but also get the reflection of their life philosophy hidden in their study. Thus a teacher adds value in the studies while teaching. So today's teaching which is very needful is the value added teaching, which is the necessity of the present generation. Every chapter should be touched with some values & practical learning of life. Teacher also tries to use his capacities to smoothly find out the hidden talent within the children & tries for their development.

That's why the mind of the teacher should be burden less & tension free so that he/she can be more imaginative & creative while projecting the lesson before the children. Freedom is an essential whole of a teacher. The burden may be at home such as the tension in the relationship, homework or miscellaneous or in school such as heavy classes, work burden, unhealthy situation etc.

The problems in the school tense the mind of the teacher more than the problems of the house. Problems of the house are common & as usual but the problems of the school are rather critical. The scolding or harsh words of the authority due to misunderstanding, extra work culture in school by neglecting wife & family, tiredness due to taking more classes as substitution classes are more are some of the tensions that no teacher can deny. Even most of the teachers bring the copies of the students to their home, as they do not find time in the school to check. No body tries to understand the problems of the teachers. If the mind of the teacher will be in these problematic situations then how can he be able to be imaginative & creative? In one hand we make the teacher overburdened & in another hand we hope their creativity, how can be possible? A creative teacher he/she can be if he/she is getting the time to think & freedom to express & utilize his/her mind.

A teacher wants to dedicate his time & life in study & teaching. A teacher is not teaching in the class as he is paid. He is quit emotional in his teaching while in the class to go into the topic & to satisfy the students. He/She accepts the students as his/her own children. He works day & night for the children as he/she always opens the gate of his house for clearing the doubts of the children. In lieu of that he does not want rewards in terms of money or material but at least praise from the authority. The praise from the principal doubles the works of the teacher as he is now inspired & his/her work is recognized.


The teachers in private sector enterprises are more tortured than that of the government sectors. In public schools they may get good quarters & salary but not free from mental tensions. The main necessity of a man is mental satisfaction. If he/she is not getting that then where is the value of other luxuries? The school environment for him/her should always be full of happiness & love. The work in the love culture will be lovable & the institution can reach its highest watermark. Love atmosphere is the base of every success. Where there is love, there is attachment towards the institution & work, which tie every member tightly to be united & work for the betterment of the institution. Where as the order of the authority from his ego effects a little & for the time being due to fear but hate arises for all time, which compels a teacher to work dishearten. The sweet words to the teacher works a lot. A teacher jumps to work dedicatedly if he gets the lovable atmosphere & heart.

Really one educationist had told, ‘in school the heart, but not mind.' In school the mind works very less. Heart can work a lot. Heart spreads love & happiness while the mind spreads logic, authority & ego. Loss of the heart of a teacher creates havoc in the education system of the school. In other words, the love can expand a teacher & students more & more. It creates atmosphere to be proud to tell about the school & attach themselves for the development of the school.

Why a teacher leaves a school? School is a family. A member is leaving the family means either he has got a higher job or due to dissatisfaction. Leaving the school to join in the higher job is genuine which is a question of teacher's career. But, if he is leaving with dissatisfaction, the school management & administration is responsible for that. Yes, the school can avail a substitute teacher but not like the dynamic teacher like the earlier one. The school administration should create such atmosphere of love & respect so that the teachers should feel the school as his family & attached themselves for the cause of the institution.


The life & career of a teacher is just like a river, which is always progressing towards the vast ocean of goal. So we cannot stop the going of the teachers for the higher career, which is not in our hand, but we can check the dissatisfaction of the teachers. In some schools the authority even don't greet the teachers who are newly joining & who are leaving for their higher career after a long dedication of work in the institution. There are no ceremonies such as welcome or farewell. A teacher is joining the school with lots of hope in his mind. In the first day of his school if he is greeted with warmth welcome by the authority, he can be more enthusiastic to work there. When a teacher, after serving for 3 to 4 years leaves the school for his noble career, he should be thanked through ceremony. In lieu of that service we don't give any praise or thanks even. Teacher is not a human machine that teaches in lieu of money only. He teaches rather from his emotion as a father/mother or a guardian. Teachers are available in the teaching market but the dedication of the teacher is rare. Teacher does not need the material things rather than love & respect.

School is different from all institutions. It is called a holly institution, an abode of love & respect; it's a family where the attachment & strength of unity extends from member to member for its development. School is not a dead building of bricks & sand. Absolutely not. School is a place next to home where the teachers & administrators are the parents to stretches their lovable & friendly hands to train the students. The rate of the development of the school is depending on the development of the teachers. If the teachers are happy, the school will shine & shine definitely. If love, happiness & emotional bond are there in the school, then only a school can dance & rejoice & joyful learning can be possible.

Harekrushna Behera - Teacher in Social Science
Qualification- M.Phil,B.Ed,Vedanta
E-Mail - hare_321ku(at)rediffmail.com

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