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Articles for Teachers

By:Harekrushna Behera - Teacher in Social Science

Foundation has already been led by getting a job as a teacher. That’s not the end but the initiation to a dedicated and committed area. Now, the pace is not to stop in that level just as a stereotyped man, but to expand our dimension. Expanding the real belly means expanding the actual position of teachership. After expansion, deepening of this career is also awaiting. Dr. Radhakrishnan could do that work and became the world famous philosopher with the grade of president of India. Why not we!!! Getting a job and staying in that level for years and increasing belly is not the real expansion of belly. Life is a perennial river, always flowing towards the greatness (ocean), does not stop even a big hurdle tries to block it. Progressive life itself finds the way to reach its goal. Ample of opportunities are there to grow. Only require, teacher’s first step of hope and faith which will create confidence and find a way to develop.


If the teachers are in a confuse state and blank in the expanding the real belly, then here are some tips to help.

· Pen to publish-

Very few teachers note down their experience in their note book for future research and use. Most of the teachers meet the challenge of their job with traditional means and overlook any challenge without putting any special efforts. Those who are taking efforts, they are also not found to make record. Penning the new efforts and plan, then giving them as articles to different magazines for publication and circulation is a very good idea for expansion.

· Think creative-

Hardly any teachers use their mind power. Thinking is activated if teacher wish to be creative. Taping positive and creative thinking for a new research is essential in the education field. Maintaining a personal diary by teacher to note down the tapped creative thinking is a must. A teacher with creativity is a hero in the educational platform. Thus keeping a mind and not producing any creative thinking is the job of a meaningless teacher. That’s why it is told that “teacher’s mind is not useless but used less”.

· Create new hobbies-

Now a day’s, when a teacher faces any interview the sure question the board member to ask is about hobbies. Curricular and extracurricular activities are becoming more valuable than the subject day by day. That’s why creating more hobbies like reading, painting, music, writing, etc should be developed by a real teacher.

· Change to higher-

Many of the teachers are found to be stagnant throughout their life in one teaching post and suffered from poverty with the competitive rising price world. They don’t think about their change to new/higher services. A Primary teacher can be a TGT in the long run if he tries. Now a day’s Public schools are giving more payment than the government ones. School job sector is openly welcoming in the higher services to those who are hard worker and dedicated.

· Serve the people-

Teacher’s job is not only to serve the children but also to people. ‘Teacher’, the very word is vast. In every moment teacher should be ready to give social service if needed in the society. He must play the saintly role by taking the people around him from the darkness to light through his valuable talk and behaviour. He should try to be an icon in front of the mass.

· Build your groups-

Building a creative group of his like is also an expanding point. The literary group can enhance the literary strength while the games enhance the physical strength within you. Participating in such a creative group to support our good habits pay more in the long run. Development in a group becomes very quick as the group members inspire each other.

· Expand reading habits-

Give a regular touch with a library. If there is no library at your place, make sure that you are making a small library of your own. Making a library is not a tough task. A single book can start your new library. Your reading habit will inspire others, especially the children who have their grand future to flourish. Your reading habit will definitely revolutionize your gifted mind one day. And you will hope for a bigger life for you.

· Say yes to degrees-

I have noticed some of the persons who try degrees till their last breath. Teachers are in the study faculty for whole life, but rarely try for more degrees. Please mind it. More degrees mean more knowledge and the studies in touch with you. More knowledge means more ideas and development. Adding years to you makes you old , but adding degrees creates vibrant energy to be young forever.

· Maintain your physic-

We, everybody know,’ health is wealth’. But rarely do we notice at it. Your correct health gives your mind ample strength to think creatively and do it in action. Health keeps you strong for whole life. Every day one hour practice of yoga, pranayam, etc makes you fit for whole life. In today’s world all types of such physical trainings are at our hand but if teacher has no interest in it, then nobody can do anything.

Teacher is responsible for his own glory and failure. An extraordinary mind always wants to be extraordinary, even in a desert, a lonely environment. Success touches those who always think for it. As thinking turns into action and action pays for the success. The noble job has to be realized by the teachers. A mere touch of expansion and deepening of the profession may surely increase the efficiency of a generation. Teachership is waiting for that consciousness and feeling among the teachers. Teachers must realize their real weight of their actual belly, their knowledge which should be expanded and more expanded till the reaching of its highest perfection which is never ending and endless.

Harekrushna Behera - Teacher in Social Science
E-Mail - hare_321ku(at)rediffmail.com
Qualification- M.Phil,B.Ed,Vedanta

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