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Articles for Teachers

Tips on Studying For Final Exams
By:Tiffany Provost

Final exams are almost here; have you been preparing? Consider these suggestions on how to study for a final.

Take a short amount of time to re-examine your readings. Going back over readings that you have done, even just skimming them, is a good idea. The reason for this is: your last test will cover content you've read. Skim through the textbook, reading the first several sentences in each paragraph. The idea covered in the paragraph should bring the subject matter back to mind. Take a moment to review the reading carefully if you find that you are having difficulty recalling information or understanding any ideas. It is important to feel at ease with each assignment's main points when you get ready for the final exam.

Going over class notes. Notations made by teachers are there for a reason, they are important. Handouts from your teacher, should be studied in detail as you prepare for your final exam. This is the time to see if you have a complete set of handouts and get copies if you don't.

Look over all the work you have done previously. Previous pieces of work that your teachers has made notes on are a good sign of what you should be focusing on. Make sure that you cover the practice tests and exams over and over as you prep for your final. Get to know all the concepts in them. Proceed to observe how your instructor graded your responses. Needless to say, spend more time on those concepts that perhaps you didn't completely understand the first time.

Devise a few study papers. Study papers are a great way to summarize your learning. Just the simple act of writing down the concepts can be helpful. By gathering this information, you will have a focused collection of only the most pertinent study information from which to study. Time will be needed to devise your study notes, and you might get a pal to share the workload. Make copies of all of your notes and then arrange to exchange them with a friend.

Meet up with school friends. Make sure that you make time to study with a group of friends as the time for final exams comes closer. Explain concepts to each other to ensure that you grasp them, and ask each other quiz questions. The best way to be ready for a final is to use your time studying.

Tiffany Provost writes about preparing for exams and education for www.HowToDoThings.com.

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