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Articles for Teachers

Teaching Business English With "Big Numbers"
By:Dave Volek

"Big Numbers" puts pre-intermediate level (and higher) English learners into a numbers exchange activity. This module is actually quite easy for both the learner to engage with and for teacher to present. This easiness makes it a fun icebreaker to start any business English seminar or course. The exercise has proven to not really need much encouragement from the instructor; most learners get into this activity quickly and enjoy it.

Learners are given income statements from a fictitious grocery store, but most of the numerical data is missing. Each learner has specific data the other learners don't have-and this sets up a great conversation practice as learners are continuously reforming pairs, asking questions, stating numbers, and clarifying numbers until their sheets are filled. Learners get lots of practice properly pronouncing "X-teen" vs. "X-ty."

With traditional classroom business English teaching, it would be a good idea for the instructor to provide a grammar lesson about saying numbers in English. However, "Big Numbers" make this unnecessary with its complementary online activity called "Big Numbers Online", complete with the grammar lesson and listening activities. The instructor should give learners a few days notice to do the online activity before the class.

The online activities get progressively harder as the learner works through the eight sets of exercises. There is a fantastic internet reward for when the learner completes each set correctly. This reward keeps the learners coming back!

When the learners come to class, they have a good idea of how this activity is going to work-and can jump right into the activity only requiring the briefest explanation from the instructor. Plus the online sessions have taught new language skills or enhanced current skills. The learners can take these online lessons back to the classroom to find more success in the classroom with their business conversation.

After the classroom activity is over, the learners can revisit "Big Numbers Online" to get that immediate and important reinforcement for the lessons learned in classroom.

"Big Numbers" and "Big Numbers Online" are both great stand-alone ELT activities. But when the classroom and online activities are working together, the learning effect is more than doubled. This is how blended learning should work: the online lessons reinforce the classroom lessons; the classroom reinforces the online. Learners will better retain the lessons learned in these complementary lessons.

Dave Volek has been developing "business English with business simulations" since 1994. His niche in the field of business English training is the extensive use of "numbers English" in his classroom material. In the past few years, Dave has added online activities to support the classroom modules. This blended approach will reinforce and enhance the training for the learners.

Visit the DVBE website at http://www.dvbe.bz to download two free classroom modules or try out all six free online activities.

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