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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide

Articles for Teachers

Different Teaching Methods
By:Chuck R Stewart

Teachers use many different tools to test their student's proficiency. They use exams and chapter or unit tests. Many teachers also give a weekly vocabulary quiz over specific words. Some teachers, particularly foreign language teachers, like to give oral quizzes to test student's pronunciation skills. Some mathematics teachers like to give time tests so that their students really have to know the material well. Clearly, teachers have unique ways to test their student's knowledge. The ways in which teachers evaluate their student's grasp of concepts and information differs greatly.

For instance, the methods of a gym teacher differ greatly from the methods of a physics teacher. A gym teacher has a few accepted options for evaluation of student achievement. He or she could mandate a uniform and then grade his or her students on whether or not they come to class everyday wearing that uniform. Another option for gym teachers is to use a participation grade. If a student participates in the activity and gives a solid effort then the student will receive high marks even if they have little athletic ability. Another method that some gym teachers use to evaluate their students is through fitness tests. If students improve their scores from their previous effort then they will receive high marks. If students do not improve their time or number from the last test then the teacher will evaluate the student with that in mind. Clearly, there is not just one path to take when evaluating students. The methods that a physics teacher uses differ from that of a gym teacher. Physics teachers tend to give chapter tests to test student proficiency on a certain topic. For instance, once the teacher has lectured on a chapter on thermodynamics, then the students will have a test on the material covered in the text and the class lectures. Physics teachers may also use labs and out of class projects to evaluate their students progress and knowledge. Another method that teachers use to test their students proficiency is assigning and checking homework. Homework is used to see if one specific topic sunk into the student's brains. Gym teachers and physics teachers clearly have very different ways in which they evaluate their student's progress.

Foreign language teachers often use different methods to test their student's proficiency. Many foreign language teachers use oral quizzes and tests to see how well their students grasp things like pronunciation and conversation. They are good for testing how well students would be able to communicate if they were immersed in the language. Many foreign language teachers give frequent vocabulary tests and quizzes to test their student's grasp of words and their meanings. They also give tests on grammar topics like verbs tenses and other parts of speech. Many language teachers will assign culture projects to see how well their students grasp the culture of the language that they are studying. Clearly, different teachers use different methods to test their students. The flexible nature of teacher's careers makes every teaching style and approach unique.

Chuck R Stewart recently signed up for a practice vocabulary quiz http://www.getwords.com/words/index/getwords/view_unit/88/?letter=V&spage=1 to help his son prepare for the SAT test. He also took quizzes online for words he should know before the SAT test.

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