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Articles for Teachers

Four Methods of Teaching Students to Spell
By:Chuck R Stewart

Teaching someone to spell can be rather difficult and challenging. Traditionally vocabulary quizzes and memorization were the methods many educators chose. Today, with increased technology and access to spell check, people have shied away from these more conventional ways. However, it is still very important for people to know successful ways to teach someone to be a good speller. By following these four simple steps, mastering spelling can be achieved without frustration and aggravation. Focusing on the meaning of words, using flash cards, consistently practicing and playing fun games, spelling can be enjoyable and successful.

Comprehending language meaning can begin at a very young age. This starts when children are exposed to books and reading. The more someone reads to a child, their vocabulary base grows and expands. They will begin to start repeating phrases and recognizing that the print on the page actually has meaning. The process of spelling the type they see on a page in a book increases dramatically with age and exposure. For example, if a child reads "cat" over and over again in a book, they will begin to understand the letters c, a and t spell "cat". Children will apply this relationship of meaning and spelling throughout the course of their vocabulary development.

Flash cards are a beneficial tool in teaching spelling as well. By placing a picture on one side of an index card and vocabulary on the other side, people can remember letter association with visual references. An example would be to place a picture of a pizza on a card. On the opposite side write "pizza". Show the picture to the student and ask them to spell what they see. The sides of the cards should be used interchangeably. After enough practice and repetition, a student will remember that pizza starts with the letter "p". After a while they will recognize the "p" sound and begins to identify it in other terminology. The entire process of spelling begins in just this fashion.

The third method of teaching someone to spell is by interacting with them in fun and enjoyable spelling games. Some of the games that students find fun and beneficial are Hangman, Scrabble and Crossword Puzzles. Friendly competition stimulates students desire to be successful, and possibly win, at games. They actually are learning to spell, but don't realize it because it's being conducted in such a entertaining manner. This method allows students to increase their vocabulary base, while having a blast with other people.

Lastly, the old saying goes "practice makes perfect". By practicing and being consistent with the amount of exposure to vocabulary meaning, using flash cards and playing games, spelling will become easier and easier. Even when terminology gets more difficult and complex, these four tools will be the foundation that will make spelling that vocabulary doable. It is necessary to regularly use these four steps even when someone becomes a proficient speller. Language meaning, flash cards, games and practice are the four key tools which will make people have fun and success with spelling.

Chuck R Stewart recently signed up for quizzes online for words his son is learning for the SAT test. Taking the vocabulary quizzes http://getwords.com/words/index/getwords/view_unit/88/?letter=V&spage=1 are a great preparation tool.

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