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Articles for Teachers

ESL Teaching - Tips For Developing Students Speaking Skills
By:Peter Callig

For students learning a foreign language speaking can be very difficult. This article offers teachers some tips to help their students develop their speaking skills.

There are 2 key elements involved in students speaking ability:

1) The first is the ability to converse. The students are able to ask and answer questions.
2) The second is their ability to produce language. The student is able to tell stories and describe things etc.

Building their development and confidence in these two areas is essential for long term learning success.

What are the tips for developing students speaking skills?

• Repetition - By repeating words and phrases the students are able to memorize and pronounce blocks of the language and gain good pronunciation.

• Mistakes - Do not be too harsh with students that make mistakes. Sometimes they will mix the second language with their native tongue. Repeat back to them how they should have said it in a gentle manner.

• Time - Allow the students time to digest and absorb the language before trying to speak it.

• Activities - Give the students plenty of choral activities where they can join in as a group so they can gain confidence before attempting to speak on their own. They need to feel secure and unthreatened. Choral counting games, rhymes and songs are good choral activities.

• Routines - Creating routines for students to follow helps them get used to communicating in the second language. Say 'good morning', 'goodbye', 'may I have please' are example of short phrases that the students can get in the habit of saying everyday.

• Real Situations - It is important for students to get the chance to use the language they are learning in real life situations that they can relate to. Using role-play is a good opportunity for them to be motivated and encouraged to use the language.

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