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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide

Articles for Teachers

Fun Learning For Your Students
By:Tomy Yosafat

The words 'school' for some children would be nightmare. Some children refuse to go to school because they have bad experience during their first days at school. It could be because of how the teacher delivers the materials in the class or how the teacher treats the students. As the teacher, it is good if you start to learn about the history of your students before they enter your class. It could be their family history. You should know the family background of your students. Is one of your students comes from the broken home family? Or is she/he is an adopted child? You also need to learn about the child's condition. Is one of your student has a serious illness or he/she is the students with special needs? It is important because children needs different treatment based on their needs. It is also because we understand children as a unique personality; each child has his/her characteristics that make them different from each other.

A teacher is expected to have good understanding of students' condition. It will help him/her to face the students in the class and solve the problems that may occur during the school hours. A teacher is also expected to lead the class in fun way because children will absorb the lesson given better in a good condition and supporting environment.

It is teacher's task to find some steps in teaching children so that the materials will not be boring. For example, after you introduce the materials, you can invite the students to play a game that is still related to the materials on that day. You also can give the children opportunity to explore the school areas, where they can find colors of nature, things around school, and so many things else that they can learn outside the classrooms. Moreover, by involving them in many activities that make them move they will learn more since children is still developing their gross motor skill.

There are many ways that you, as a teacher, can explore to create fun learning environment for your students at school. The important thing to remember is to give the materials to the children that are appropriate with their level of competence and to understand that when you are teaching you are facing students as a human that you need to guide in the process of their growth. Because by helping the children in the present you will prepare them to be ready for the better future.

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