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Articles for Teachers

How To De-clutter The Bookshelves In Your Classroom
By:Jen Dobson

One of the problems teachers encounter is the love, and often need, to collect books. Teachers have books on everything from how to teach to just plain fun books. But eventually they become outdated or you may quit teaching. You may even need to move or downsize your office. What do you do? How do you decide what books will stay and what will go? You know you are not going to be able to de-clutter, and distress, until you do but getting started seems like an insurmountable task. Here are some tips that can help you do both - get rid of the stress created from clutter and get rid of the clutter of too many books lying around.

Start With Your Students

The most obvious place to start looking for a place to donate any excess books that you have is with your students. Many students love to read, and those who don't may be encouraged to read more if you give them some books to take home to keep. Ask your students first if they would like to have a book or two.

Pass the Word

The very first thing you can do is let others know you are cleaning out. Email all those teachers on your contact list, talk to them in school ask them to pass the word to colleagues and even put up notices in the teacher's lounge. Let them know what you are getting rid of - don't just say books. Perk interest by telling what you have - great teaching resources, resources for new teachers - whatever it is. Don't let them think you have 100 year old dust gathered things no one will want.

Set a Date & Pickup Time

When you go this route make sure you are clear on when they can come and look. Arrange to have a set time and place (if you are not using your home) to get their books. You might want to have a time span say of several hours. Allowing several hours will allow some to come and browse when they can fit it into their schedule. First come, first serve.

Ask the Librarian

Ask the local school librarian if she is interested. If there is a teaching college in your area, give them a call too. What they don't use themselves they can sell through used book sales. You may even be able to get a tax donation right off when you do this. Many new up and coming teachers would be happy to have your treasure trove of goodies and you will feel better knowing they are put to good use.

Be Proactive

Get the books out! Don't try to hand them out one at a time to people. Move them in large quantities. When everyone has had their pick, then box up the rest immediately. Your life, and class, will be closer to becoming clutter free and you will be able to move on towards your next goal. You do not want leftover books or boxes sitting around. If worse comes to worse donate them to the local thrift store.

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