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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide

Articles for Teachers

Discrimination in Educational Institutions
By:Frankie Muhammad

Although we have some of the greatest learning institutions in America, our learning institutions have had to overcome some major challenges. One of the challenges have been discrimination. Sex discrimination in our learning institutions has been a problem. There have been instances when student were denied benefits and financial aid because of their sex or gender. Students have been harassed in classrooms because of their gender. Furthermore, students have been forced to be educated in a hostile classroom environment because of their gender or sexual preference.

Title IX of the Educational Amendment Act of 1972 was created to alleviate some of these problems. This act is Federal Law. This law states that no person in the United States shall on the bases of sex be excluded from participation or denied benefits to any educational program that receives federal funding. Also, the person or student should not be subjected to any form of sex discrimination.

Sex discrimination is prohibited in all university student services and academic programs includes but not limited to admissions, financial aid, academic advising, housing, athletics, recreational services, and college residential life programs. Sex discrimination is also not allowed in the Registrar's office, with classroom assignments, grading or discipline. this act covers a student regardless of whether the student is full or part time.

The courts have stated that a person can't be denied aid or benefits because of their sex. Furthermore, a student can't be excluded from extracurricular activities or student organizations because of their sex. Also, an institution can't subject a student to different rules and sanctions due to their sex. Regardless of a person sex or gender that person is entitled to all the advantages and privileges of any learning institution that receives federal funds.

If a student rights are violated because of their sex. The student has the right to file a lawsuit against the learning institution. The student has the right to seek damages. Every student is entitled to due process under the law when he or she has been injured. There have been instances of learning institutions being found responsible for discrimination against students because of their sex. There have been institutions found guilty of violating the Title IX Educational Amendment Act of 1972. One popular case that dealt with this type of discrimination was Cohen v. Brown University of 1993.

Although higher institutions of learning have made significant steps toward combating sex discrimination in schools, the Office Civil Rights still gets a great deal of complaints. Women are still getting mistreated at institutions of higher learning. Educators must continue to inform and educate students and instructors about the significance of the Title IX Education Act of 1972. Although this act is not a cure all for eliminating sex discrimination in school, it has played a very important role in diminishing the problem. The Office of Civil Rights take every allegation and complaint very serious. Also, complaints are handle professionally and with confidentiality.


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