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Articles for Teachers

Classroom Management Plan - The Best Way to Gain the Respect of Your Students
By:Stephen Bradford

Students have changed greatly in the last few decades. There was a time when teachers were revered and respected. These days teachers must gain the respect of their students. By having an effective classroom management plan, you will begin to gain the respect of your students. Besides having a classroom management plan being consistent and showing your students you care about them will also gain the respect of your students.

Teachers need to be consistent in how they run their class. Most students need structure and will respect you much more for it. One way to make sure you are consistent is to have a set classroom management plan. Be sure to lay this out the first day and explain to them the rules and expectations of your class. I would go even a step farther and have them model what appropriate behavior should look like. If you have a classroom management plan in the beginning it will be much easier to be consistent.

Students want to know you care about them. They can sense this and will make your life much harder if they feel you do not care. One way to do this is to learn their backgrounds. We do not know what goes on with a student at home, and some students will come to school with a lot of problems at home. You should empathize with them and work towards learning more about them so that you will appear that you care much more about them.

Again the best way to gain the respect of your students is to have an effective classroom management plan. If you have them under control you will have a much better year and the kids will respect you for it.

"Stephen Bradford is a teacher in the Arkansas school system. He runs a website promoting a book he believes will help any new or experienced teacher with new tools in effective classroom management strategies."

To find out more be sure and check out his site on classroom management here http://hubpages.com/hub/classroom-management-plan80/.

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