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Articles for Teachers

Classroom Management Tips - Time Management
By:Joe Coleman

We all know that we only are given 24 hours in a day. Usually only 6 of those hours are spent in a grammar or high school classroom. About 40 minutes of those are given to each class. For a 12 year old that may feel like a lifetime but really with taking attendance, calming the kids down, and the occasional emergency drill the 40 minutes seem shorter and shorter. Due to this time management is not only essential it is really critical in order to run an effective classroom. In this article you will get some tips that will help you to manage your time effectively.

The first thing that you should do is make sure that your lesson plan for each day is prepared in advance. This does not mean just having the information down on paper. This means actually practicing what you want to accomplish and make sure that you have enough time. As you know sometimes what you think looks good on paper is actually totally different when applied in real life. Of course you will also want to provide time for any questions that students may have.

Next you will want to make sure that any equipment that you will be using like projectors or computers are in the classroom and set up in advance. The worst thing that can happen to a teacher is to enter a classroom expecting to see an overhead projector and discover only an empty space where the projector should be. This only wastes valuable trying to locate one. Or if one can not be found either the class is wasted or you need to change plans midstream. One thing is for sure, this is definitely not effective time management.

If you are what they refer to as a traveling teacher, which means you move to different classrooms, there are a few things you should do. Make sure that the classrooms you are going to have the items that you need to conduct your class. If they do not, you can arrange for them to be brought to the class or bring them yourself. You will also want to be sure that you bring your books with you at all times. This can be tough when you do not have a classroom and teach a few different subjects. If you are teaching the same subject all day it is a lot easier.

Below you will find a review of a great classroom management resource that I think you'll find extremely helpful in getting and keeping your classroom organized.

Classroom management does no have to be stressful. Click here http://surviveinclassroomreview.blogspot.com to read a review of a resource that will help you achieve successful classroom management http://surviveinclassroomreview.blogspot.com/ with ease.

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