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Texas ISD School Guide

Articles for Teachers

Effective Classroom Management is Difficult When You're Angry!
By:Adam Waxler

As we approach the end of the year it is common to see a spike in classroom management problems as many students have a tendency to think the school year is over before it actually is...

Of course, a teacher must set the tone in order to maintain effective classroom management. However, when "setting the tone", it is easy to get angry at students, and unfortunately, that anger will create more problems in the classroom.

It is very important that teachers do not "lose it" no matter how much a student tests you. If students see that they have angered you, they know they have beaten you at the discipline game. The bottom line is, you must control your anger if you want to be an effective teacher.

Here are some things to think about that may help:

1. Understand what angers you. These are difficult times and many of us are experiencing economic hardships in our lives. Just remember, it is not your students' fault that the school district cut your wage, it is not the students' fault that the school district has cut your planning time, or added classes to your schedule, or is threatening to cut your medical benefits etc. On that note, it is also not your students' fault that your hot water heater broke or that you got in an argument with your spouse. The fact is, when you walk into the school each day you must leave your "baggage" outside. Bringing your personal problems into school will only lead to more classroom management problems during the day and that will only add to your stress level.

2. Make sure you never get into a shouting match with your students. As I have stated often, "yelling is NOT a good classroom management strategy." In fact, it will actually backfire as you will lose the respect of your students...and once the respect is gone, so is your ability to manage the class.

3. Keep reminding yourself that it is often your "toughest" students that need you the most.

4. Make sure to handle your stress/anger in positive ways. Personally, I find exercise to be best way for me to handle stress. The hour I spend at the gym or the couple of hours I spend on my bike do wonders for my stress level. Of course, everyone is different and the key is to find positive ways to handle your stress.

The main point here is not to let your personal problems add to your classroom management problems. The students feed off the teacher’s energy so it is important that that energy is positive.

Finally, if you truly want effective classroom management strategies then make sure to sign up for Adam Waxler's "Proactive Classroom Managemenet eCourse" at http://www.Classroom-Management-Tips.com. But HURRY! This ecourse will be pulled from the masses soon in preparation for his new course...only the new one won't be free!

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