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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide

Articles for Teachers

I need to decorate my 7th grade Social Studies/French classroom from scratch - how?

I am being put into a ratty odd pentagon shaped second story classroom. I have big windows overlooking a steel yard and beyond that mountains with lots of sun. I have a tiny kitchenette area, a wire shelving unit, and a cupboard. White boards are yet to be put in - one medium sized display board. I will be teaching Social Studies - before and after Canadian confederation and grade 6-9 French. I want something unique, functional, and engaging for these bustling students. Help! I can paint wallpaper and bring in donated or cheap furniture. I may have 17 students the class will fit that and one work table plus my desk. I have searched the internet but I cannot wait for the 'Makeover' contests - of which I have yet to see a picture of their success to get inspiration. What is our classroom design of the future for middle schools? What can mine be?

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