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Ready to take-off? - ESL lesson
By:A.Clement <clemi@rediffmail.com>

Ready to take off?

You may not know what will happen to your career and lifestyle after an interview. Miracles do happen in interviews. Some people lose the precious opportunity due to recklessness and overconfidence. Lucrative opportunities don’t knock at your door often. You must be an ‘ever-ready’ person to utilize the chance that brings a breakthrough in your monotonous career.

Pessimists never expect anything good to happen to them. Optimists wait for an opportunity to grab. Optimists believe themselves and constantly update their skills. They know that the door will open one day. It will be too late if you think that you will be ready only when an opportunity unveils.

The following guidelines will help you to keep fit for interviews.

Let your CV do the talking.

CV is your representative. Your CV must create a good impression before the interviewers meet you in person. Have a look at your CV before you send.

Are your skills highlighted so that the interviewers can identify them without much strain?

Does your CV have proper titles like Objective, experience…etc?

Make sure your CV doesn’t have grammatical errors which will create a very bad impression. Get your CV checked thoroughly by an expert. Browse the internet and read the sample CVs.

Do some homework

Before the interview, rehearse it in your mind or with your friend. There are common questions which will be asked in any interview. Keep the answers ready for those questions so that you will not be caught up without warning. Select some positive vocabulary to furnish your answers. Words can work wonders. As you practise, eliminate unnecessary sentences and phrases from your answers.

Set your mind ready

Expect your DAY with enthusiasm. Keep telling yourself ‘It is my chance and I have to perform well’. These words will feed confidence into your mind.

Look pleasant

Appearances may be deceptive but it will surely create an impression before you utter a single word. Select your favourite formal dress for the occasion. Some of your favourite dresses give you moral boost and you feel so comfortable.

Your dress must impress the interviewers. Trim your hair and shine your shoes. Select a tie that matches the color of your shirt. ‘No funny looks’ please. Women can select attire that enhances their appearances. You need not look like Hollywood actors.

Don’t slouch

Your sitting posture will reflect your personality. Practise this at home. Learn to sit formally and comfortably. Don’t slouch as you talk. Your performance may be good but if the interviewer misinterprets your sitting posture as disrespect then you will lose the opportunity.

Show enthusiasm

Your voice and body language must manifest your enthusiasm towards the prospective job. You must speak more of how you will contribute to the company. Some create a picture like they attend an interview because they have nothing to do at home and they have a lot of money. Interview is not for exhibiting your personal life but for what you possess and how you can contribute to the growth of the company.


Smile is a curve that sets everything straight. Never forget to smile. Smile will surely create a long lasting impression.

Don’t interfere but listen

Never obstruct the interviewers talk. If you are a person who loves to listen to your voice more, interview is not the ideal place.

Show your interest in listening to them. Wait for them to complete their questions and statements.

Answer to the point

Listen to the question asked and answer to the question. Don’t add unnecessary details which will not interest them. Sometimes they might feel bored of listening to your stories.

Focus on your skills

Try to talk more of how you can contribute to the company and the relevance of your skills. They might miss some details which you have presented in your CV. You must be well prepared to highlight your skills in your talk. There are some skills which need to be emphasized.

Don’t forget to talk about how you try to keep yourself updated.

Show respect in your tone

Your tone is very important as you speak. It must show respect to the employer. Many a time, the interviewers are younger than you. It does not mean you can dominate them and compare your experience with theirs. If you do that, you will make a terrible mistake.

End your interview with a positive expectation

You have to end the interview with a positive note telling them ‘I am looking forward to the opportunity to work for your institution’.

Don’t finish your interview abruptly. Before you leave, thank them for the time they have spent with you.

Before I end,

Never treat any interview carelessly. Who knows! Your lucky star may be waiting for you there.

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