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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide

Articles for Teachers

A Question of Inspiration
By:The Arrogant One <Arrogantteacher@aol.com>

For many writers, the question of atmosphere is paramount to the cause of creativity – an absolute must in providing the necessary inspiration. For me it has usually been found in a coffee house. In my time, I’ve patronized coffee houses the world over … those of Austria, Italy, Israel, Brazil, México, Japan, Canada, and the USA, just to name some. There, I’ve sampled one blend after another … some of which that have been great, some others not so hotso. But, whom am I trying to deceive? My coffee house excursions have rarely been for the brew alone; they’ve also been to sample the ambiance – a quantity I’ve found mandatory in abetting my creative efforts as a writer. And, guess what? It has actually worked over these past 15 years in that over 70% of my initial ideas and drafts have been successfully completed in one coffee house or another. This year, it’s been Pete’s in West Los Angeles.

What I’m trying to impress upon you, my dear ESL colleagues, is that in order to be your true, creative self, you need the stimulus gained from your surroundings to spark that special energy (enthusiasm) to get the job done. In this respect, a school that ignores its teaching staff rather than recognize them as a key source of its day-to-day productivity, not only stifles their enthusiasm but also denies the student body a collaboration with the one source that engenders their continued interest in their studies. Sadly enough, I’ve taught in far too many private ESL schools where a teacher’s sole rapport with the management is the broad smile issued on receipt of one’s bi-monthly paycheck. So, you can see what I mean by “ambiance.” As the coffee house abets my creative efforts, a school must likewise offer an atmosphere conducive to both the presentation and ingestion of the coursework.

To all you ESL school and agents thereof, WHEREVER you may be located: Despite the innumerable complaints appearing on this Board over this, that, or the other, the one obvious factor lacking in ESL today seems to be consideration – that toward both teachers and students alike. Granted, as in any other business enterprise, the goal in ESL is to profit, but greed and lack of consideration thereof should NEVER serve as an means to this end. Also, far too many arguments over the issue of racial bias and age prejudice have been concealing the true purpose of both management and instructor — that of promoting only the highest educational values while satisfying our needs as both academicians and businessmen alike. Similarly, in my choice of coffee house, I seek only that perfect blend of coffee and creativity … in short, a place where I can sit in peace for a few hours each day, sip an exotic brew, and write my f*&@!#^ stories!

Viva la Cafè! Viva ESL!
The Arrogant One

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