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Articles for Teachers

Keep 'em laughing while they're learning!
By:The Arrogant One <arrogantteacher@aol.com>

There's been somewhat of a controversy on eslteachersboard.com regarding the value of a teacher’s generating humor in an ESL classroom as a tool to assist in the learning process. I, as one, have always employed jokes and gestures - not only as a means of capturing the attention of a class, but also, from its very initiation, to set the attitude and atmosphere of the learning session. However, at this juncture, a question may be raised as to exactly how far one should go with his/her shtick without endangering the value of the material at hand.

Man! Do I ever recall some of the seemingly endless classroom sessions I was forced to endure back in my high school and university days. There he was, Professor Coghill – a stuff shirt academic type right out of a 1940s melodrama with Montey Woolley in the lead – trying to keep his class awake with his threatening tone and yardstick gyrations. We fell asleep anyway. And, when I came to him at semester’s end to complain about having received a paltry “C” for the course, he immediately adopted a superior tone and said, “My boy, you simply didn’t stay awake long enough to hear enough right answers!” Was that his way of interjecting humor, or merely a put-down? That I’ll never know. Anyway, after having spent 20 odd years as a professional musician, I finally adopted a serious interest in education – namely ESL. Professor Coghill came immediately to mind, and I vowed from the onset that I would never emulate his sad style of presentation. After having made a few initial boo-boo’s, everything started to fall into place. Today I’m a veteran of ESL, TOEFL, and TOEIC classes in my familiar rôle of teacher-entertainer with SRO (full) houses (classes), and a great big smile on everybody’s puss!

How far to go with the joking around? Continually... that is, until you’ve gotten their attention, and intermittently thereafter. You’d be surprised how loosening up a class can result in an almost guaranteed concentration span throughout delivery of the material at hand. NO! Use of humor does NOT guarantee higher student grades; this inevitably rests upon their study capabilities. But, while a part of the initial learning process, humor makes a grand difference in the overall reception of the coursework.

By all means, "Keep 'em laughing!"

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