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Articles for Teachers

Why do Indian studnts learn English?
By:DR.Naveen k. Mehta & Tarunkumar Patel

why Do Indian students need English
In India, we have many regional languages
& dialects but Hindi still holds a strong status. In the most parts of India people speak Hindi & if not due to certain reasons, they understand it easily. But in an era of globalization & privatization, India too is in need of a common language which can be used as a link language. Only English can fulfill this requirement. There are many Indian universities where English - communication programs being offered. Moreover a great number of students are benefited by such type of programs.Now, the question arises why do Indian students need English? As English Resource Persons we think for the following reasons our students often seem keen to learn English-
1.To improve their communication skill.
2.To know more about the outer world.
3.To go for Higher studies in technical education.
4.To get an admission in foregin universities/institutions.
5.To go through the books available only in English.
6.To impress others by the use of English.
7.To use it as a language of the corporate world.
8.To get a white collar job.
9.To read, speak,listen & speak correct English.
10.To acquire exposure.
11.To some extent sometimes they do not have any other foreign language option.
12.To appear in all India level competitive examinations.
13.To conduct research for advance studies.
14.To develop personality.
15.To use English as a link language.
16.To know more about literature of different nations.
17.To opt it as a career option.
18.To have knowledge of a foreign language apart from their mother tongue.
19.To get acquainted with government machinery as English has been regarded as an official language.
20.To maintain a good social status.

These are the basic reasons for Indian students to learn English. Most of the beginners take the help of their mother tongue to learn English.They do the common mistakes of spellings,stress,intonation,pronunciations,sentence constructions etc.Indian students are quick learners. so they learn the basics of English communication without much trouble.But still they too concern about the grammatical aspect of English
which becomes a barrier in communicate effectively.




Resource Persons

H.M. Patel Career Development Centre

vallabh Vidhyanagar,Anand (Gujarat)

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