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Articles for Teachers

Homeschool Lesson Plans
By:Mary Joyce

Homeschool families have an abundance of homeschool lesson plans and programs to choose from. As a homeschooling parent, whether you want a tightly knitted curriculum package or prefer to be able to modify and develop as your personal circumstances dictate, you will find a wide variety of homeschool lesson plans no matter what your preferences. Regardless of the direction you take, don’t get tied to the hip with your educational program. Seek out hands on real life learning experiences to supplement your homeschool curriculum. Keep you lesson plans as full of real life as you possibly can!

Field trips that involve places and business in your hometown are outstanding supplements to any homeschool program. Does you hometown have a park, a bridge, a road, or building named after some one? Who was this person and why did the town name this park after this person? Get out of the four walls of your home now and again... Get some fresh air and learn something about that which you just drove or walked by. Taking time to do this is both a wonderful child education tool and it offers a great break from the homeschool classroom.

Taking the homeschool education outside of the house offers a variety of experiences that you simply cannot teach at home. The community in which you live (large or small) has an almost endless supply of educational opportunity for the homeschooler.

O.K. here is just a couple thoughts in case you’re locked up on this.

Police and Fire station.

Local College or Tech Schools.
Any local business – plumbers, carpenters, bakery, print shop, etc.
Check with local historical society.

Whatever the theme for you homeschool lesson plans at any given time you can find a reason to get out into the community and supplement that subject matter with a fun, educational field trip that will leave a lasting impression with your child.

There’s no substitute for hands on experience and the true retentive learning that this brings. There simply is no better combination for learning (and homeschooling has a big advantage over the brick and mortar places) than combining a bit of fun with the lesson plans.

Mary Joyce is a former educator, successful homeschool parent, and has written many articles on teaching your child at home for the Homeschool-Curriculum-4u website. Please visit (http://www.homeschool-curriculum-4u.com) for more of Mary's articles, resources on homeschool, ideas, and curriculum information.

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